




  1. 環境方針に基づき目的を達成するため、可能な範囲で目標を設定します。
  2. ワックス、洗剤等の化学物質を適切に管理し、漏洩事故等による環境汚染を防止します。
  3. 水質汚濁防止のため産業廃棄物及び汚水を適切に処理し、周辺地域の環境維持に努めます。
  4. 有害排気ガス低減のため低排出ガス車への切り替えを進め、社有車の自主点検を実施し、資源保護に努めます。


代表取締役 及川芳孝

entreve Corporation

Environmental Philosophy
21 Dec 2010

entreve Corporation is located in the pre-industrial district next to agricultural land. Our primary services are cleaning and security maintenance of buildings.
We comply with related institutional laws,regulations, and agreements. We commit ourselves to care for future global environment,cooperate with local community, pursue to reduce environmental impact, prevent from environmental contamination, and even improve global environment.

  1. We set goals in order to achieve our objectives based on our environmental philosophy. Our personnel will render careful attention for environmental  improvement, attend activity to achieve our goals, and evaluate our activity  regularly.
  2. We manage to control supplies such as wax and detergent and prevent  environment from chemical contamination.
  3. We manage industrial waste and sewage to prevent water being contaminated so that we can preserve the environment in our local community.
  4. In our attempts to reduce the emissions of hazardous gases, we encourage the use of low-emission vehicles.To facilitate the conservation of natural  resources, we perform all required maintenance on our company’s vehicles.

We inform the aforementioned policies to our personnel and disclose public.

Yoshitaka Oikawa
entreve Corporation